忍耐 + 掌握人生
Living High In Intensity
Willoughby Training - 26-May
I just returned home from this morning Saturday's Willoughby keiko. And I can tell you that, right now, I am feeling so high. I love the intensity of every single cut today. The concentration, the focus, the determination... they were at my best. Regardless of my opponent's level of kendo, I made sure that I gave my 100% focus on the person in front of me. And my goals were to do straight and strong kendo, plus to practice a few special waza that I am trying to perfect.
The jigeiko session was very enjoyable today. I was very focused and alert throughout the whole training session. The keiko with Jayson, in particular, was purely exhilarating. I haven't keiko'ed with Jayson for a long time. He possesses very nice kendo which is always a pleasure to watch. And combining that with the intensity he displayed in his game, I was very happy to fight him today. We fought with real intensity, just like what we would do in a real shiai, and so I was able to test the effectiveness of some of the new techniques I have been practicing. That was really good.
Afterwards, I engaged keiko with Chris 'taitari' Barbe, and Payne Sensei before the end of the training. Payne Sensei reminded me not to drop my body after executing a kote cut.
And that was today's training.
Last Two Weeks Updates
So what have been happening in the past 2 weeks since the Korean Kumdo Competition. Well, I got my neuroscience mid-semester exam result back, and I came 4th out of 380 Physiotherapy plus Exercise & Sports Science students. So I am really happy.
Training-wise, I have only been able to attend three kendo training sessions, including today's one. The other two were at University of Sydney last Friday and at Willoughby last Saturday.
Neck Pain - Getting Physio Treatment
I have been having some issues with my neck after the training in University of Sydney two weeks ago - a day before the Korean Kumdo Championships. After that particular training, I had been getting some neck pain. It got better for a few days so I didn't worry too much about it. Last Saturday after Wiloughby's training, however, the pain was giving me a lot of trouble, the range of motion in my neck was substantially reduced due to the pain, and was even hurting when I was laughing at some of Kassandra's golden phrases of the day. The joy and the pain all mixed together in one go. So crazy.
So I went to see my physio, David Garrick at the Sport Physio section of the North Sydney Orthopaedic & Sport Medicine Centre in Crows Nest. When I was an observational physio student at that clinic last year, David taught me a lot of things, so I was very happy to see him again. And was hopeful that he would be able to help me with the neck pain.
I explained the symptoms to David and we both thought that I strained the muscles along the spine. He gave me a hot pack to relax the muscle before doing the physical assessment. There was no pain when he palpated both sides of the neck, but then the pain was re-created when he pressed the center of the spine, especially the C3-5 sections. David said it was very hard to pinpoint the exact problem there... it could be muscle or ligament damage, or might be cartilage problem. However, all we needed to know was that it was soft tissue damage and not neurological pathology, as I didn't have any pain or tingling sensation down my arms or dizziness up in my head.
After some massage and mobilisation to the C3-5 spinal sections, David prescribed me a chin tuck-in exercise to facilitate gliding of the apophyseal joints and to restore the full range of motion (ROM) in my neck.
In the follow-up Wednesday visit, my condition has improved significant with much greater ROM. However, there were still some pain and discomfort at the end of ROM. So David did some more mobilisation around the C3-5 spinal sections. There was one extra technique he used that day, which worked like magic. In sitting position, I was told to flex and extend my neck several times while David manipulated the C3-5 section of the spine. Afterwards, when David told me to try extend my neck like in normal situation, the pain was completely gone. It was so impressive.
David also did a Mulligan spinal mobilisation technique on me. It was a slightly riskier technique, which could not be applied to people who have artery problems, especially the elderly. Anyway, with him holding my neck, I was told to breath in. During the moment I breathed out, he did a sudden movement to my neck, and I could feel a click in my spine. That was so cool! I wanted to learn that too, but David said I won't learn this technique until I get into the postgraduate physiotherapy course. Oh well, I will just have to wait a little longer. But I will wait.
Counting Down...
Only two weeks to the Nationals!!!
I just returned home from this morning Saturday's Willoughby keiko. And I can tell you that, right now, I am feeling so high. I love the intensity of every single cut today. The concentration, the focus, the determination... they were at my best. Regardless of my opponent's level of kendo, I made sure that I gave my 100% focus on the person in front of me. And my goals were to do straight and strong kendo, plus to practice a few special waza that I am trying to perfect.
The jigeiko session was very enjoyable today. I was very focused and alert throughout the whole training session. The keiko with Jayson, in particular, was purely exhilarating. I haven't keiko'ed with Jayson for a long time. He possesses very nice kendo which is always a pleasure to watch. And combining that with the intensity he displayed in his game, I was very happy to fight him today. We fought with real intensity, just like what we would do in a real shiai, and so I was able to test the effectiveness of some of the new techniques I have been practicing. That was really good.
Afterwards, I engaged keiko with Chris 'taitari' Barbe, and Payne Sensei before the end of the training. Payne Sensei reminded me not to drop my body after executing a kote cut.
And that was today's training.
Last Two Weeks Updates
So what have been happening in the past 2 weeks since the Korean Kumdo Competition. Well, I got my neuroscience mid-semester exam result back, and I came 4th out of 380 Physiotherapy plus Exercise & Sports Science students. So I am really happy.
Training-wise, I have only been able to attend three kendo training sessions, including today's one. The other two were at University of Sydney last Friday and at Willoughby last Saturday.
Neck Pain - Getting Physio Treatment
I have been having some issues with my neck after the training in University of Sydney two weeks ago - a day before the Korean Kumdo Championships. After that particular training, I had been getting some neck pain. It got better for a few days so I didn't worry too much about it. Last Saturday after Wiloughby's training, however, the pain was giving me a lot of trouble, the range of motion in my neck was substantially reduced due to the pain, and was even hurting when I was laughing at some of Kassandra's golden phrases of the day. The joy and the pain all mixed together in one go. So crazy.
So I went to see my physio, David Garrick at the Sport Physio section of the North Sydney Orthopaedic & Sport Medicine Centre in Crows Nest. When I was an observational physio student at that clinic last year, David taught me a lot of things, so I was very happy to see him again. And was hopeful that he would be able to help me with the neck pain.
I explained the symptoms to David and we both thought that I strained the muscles along the spine. He gave me a hot pack to relax the muscle before doing the physical assessment. There was no pain when he palpated both sides of the neck, but then the pain was re-created when he pressed the center of the spine, especially the C3-5 sections. David said it was very hard to pinpoint the exact problem there... it could be muscle or ligament damage, or might be cartilage problem. However, all we needed to know was that it was soft tissue damage and not neurological pathology, as I didn't have any pain or tingling sensation down my arms or dizziness up in my head.
After some massage and mobilisation to the C3-5 spinal sections, David prescribed me a chin tuck-in exercise to facilitate gliding of the apophyseal joints and to restore the full range of motion (ROM) in my neck.
In the follow-up Wednesday visit, my condition has improved significant with much greater ROM. However, there were still some pain and discomfort at the end of ROM. So David did some more mobilisation around the C3-5 spinal sections. There was one extra technique he used that day, which worked like magic. In sitting position, I was told to flex and extend my neck several times while David manipulated the C3-5 section of the spine. Afterwards, when David told me to try extend my neck like in normal situation, the pain was completely gone. It was so impressive.
David also did a Mulligan spinal mobilisation technique on me. It was a slightly riskier technique, which could not be applied to people who have artery problems, especially the elderly. Anyway, with him holding my neck, I was told to breath in. During the moment I breathed out, he did a sudden movement to my neck, and I could feel a click in my spine. That was so cool! I wanted to learn that too, but David said I won't learn this technique until I get into the postgraduate physiotherapy course. Oh well, I will just have to wait a little longer. But I will wait.
Counting Down...
Only two weeks to the Nationals!!!
油断 しないよ!
Glad to hear that you've sorted out neck pain around C3 + C5 after therapy. Neck pain sometimes caused by lower back problem (just let you know).
I have been reading loads of manga/books, promise you will have more "joy" + "laugh" (大爆笑) @AKC.
油断大敵な >_< Kass
Bishojo美少女, at Friday, June 01, 2007 3:51:00 PM
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