忍耐 + 掌握人生
Left Foot Stay On the Ground
Kirby Smith came to training with us in Willoughby today. During the waza and jigeiko sessions, Kirby gave me some useful feedbacks about my techniques:
- Up swing should be as fast as the down swing. My up-swing tend to be a lot slower than my down-swing, whereas what I really should do is make the up-swing and down-swing equally fast.
- Sucker again. Argh... Kirby did the same thing Sano sensei did to me 3 weeks ago. I was sucked into cutting the deliberately opened kote. Oh no!!! Vivian, you should have known better.
- Men-kote waza. It was nice to hear Kirby complimented my tricky men-kote waza which I learnt from Master Kim on Wednesday night. However, Kirby said he could see I was doing a feint men because my body was twisted sideway when executing the kote. What I should do was to maintain my up-right upper body posture.
I was feeling very out of breath during the training today. My mind was willing but my body was just completely exhausted. I had been going to as much training (kendo and gym) as possible in the past few weeks in preparation for the Hong Kong tournament, and got burnt out in the process. I guess I was to blame for not giving my body a chance to rest and recover properly after the Ballarat national squad training. I was so tired after the national squad training that I tried to catch up on sleep the whole week and had abandoned my usual morning gym cardio workouts before work, but it was still inadequate rest for my body. I should have taken greater care of my body. My energy level was completely flat on Thursday and I was coughing on Friday night again. I had to drop out of the afternoon kyu / women squad training because I was feeling really unwell. So I watched instead of playing. And I learnt something by watching...
Left Foot
Becki and I were watching Yoshiki's elegant kendo moves. I was observing specifically on how Yoshiki's footwork could move so efficiently and powerfully. Then Becki pointed out that Yoshiki's left foot never left the ground. And she was right. Why didn't I notice that in the past 3 years. The left foot in kendo should always stay in touch with the ground. That way, it would allow you to execute follow-up cuts faster and properly. If the left foot were 'flying' up after launching a cut, the time taken for the left foot to return to the ground and pushed off for the next cut would be longer. And therefore, it would slow down the speed of the follow-up cut and the smoothness of nidan or sandan waza execution. I reckon if I concentrate on making sure that my left foot don't flare up after launching a cut, I could probably fix my leaning forward problem. YAY!!!
hi Vivian,
I have to thank you (and Kate) specificly for this. Kate was beating this point at me last week.
It didn't connect 100%, right until last night where I finally remembered to follow this in jikeiko.
thankyou very much
Paul C(2)
imnothere, at Wednesday, March 16, 2011 3:23:00 PM
I have to say that it took me until early this year to fix the problem!!!! That's almost 6 years! It starts with slide/hoffer your right foot forward, instead of lifting right foot up. The starting biomechanics affect the end. Good luck Paul :) You will get it.
Vivian Yung, at Thursday, March 17, 2011 10:55:00 PM
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