a MMB! Kendo Blog: Kata #7, Doh Cut and Suriage

MMB! Kendo Blog

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

忍耐 + 掌握人生
Kata #7, Doh Cut and Suriage

The training at Willoughby dojo tonight started off with 30 mins of kata practice. I was lucky to have Onodera sensei to partner with and we went through kata #1 - #7 as both motodachi and shidachi.

Kata #7
I didn't know Kata #7 before, so Onodera sensei showed me the movements as both motodachi and shidachi.

Out of the 1st 7 kata, I like Kata #7 the most, simply because it looks really cool. The doh cut by shidachi looks so cool, but the foot movements and placements after cut are also difficult. I had troubles in getting my foot and legs to land on the right place. But since this was the first time, I guess the most important thing was to get an idea of the hand and leg movements, and then refine the strokes and fluency of executions in the next practice.

At the end of the Kata session, all of us had to execute as many Kata routines as we learnt. It was my first time to execute all 7 Kata. Generally I think I did okay, but need more confidence in Kata #5 and #6 and more practice in Kata #7. There are less than 3 months till my nidan exam, so I really need to attend all the Kata session from now on to prepare for the exam.

Payne sensei then led the class to do stretching and warm-up. We then splitted up into bogu and beginner groups. Those people in bogu were led by Itakura sensei tonight, while Payne sensei took the beginner class.

The emphasis for tonight's training was on correct execution of kihon cuts. We did 3 set of kirikaeshi, kihon-men, kote-men, and kote-doh. In each of these waza exercises, the first set was executed in slow but big movements; the second set was executed slightly faster and with more fluency; and the last set in shiai style.

Straight Line & Doh Cut
In all these exercises, I know that we should always go in a straight line. However, I found it particularly hard to go in a straight line after the doh-cut. I always ended up moving diagonally to the right. So after the doh execution, I always have to take a sidestep or two to go back to the center line to execute the next cut. I think it maybe due to cutting angle of my doh cut - cutting too much to the front of the doh, instead of the side of the doh. Hmmm... I will need to pay more attention next time I execute doh cut.

With 15 mins left in the training, we moved on to jigeiko. I played Adrian and Igor who were in my line during the waza session, plus Donny. Tonight I found some fluency in blocking my opponent's cut with small sliding movements. After trying a few times, I decided to do some men-suriage-men. To my surprise, I landed some nice men cut with a rather high success rate. I just, somehow, found the rhythm tonight. I think I will use suriage-men as the stepping stone to improve my oji-waza.

I broke a shinai during the jigeiko with Igor. Aiyor, I really like the balance of that particular shinai. I bought the shinai bamboo staves 1.5 years ago and assembled them myself. I even made a short tsuka to suit my weight balance preference. It's sad that it had to retire.

Just when I was about to play Toshio, Itakura sensei stopped the class and told us to do uchikomi-geiko with 3 minutes till the end of class. Using the new shinai, I found I could do fluent kote-men cuts. Maybe it was a good thing to move on to new things afterall.


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