忍耐 + 掌握人生
100% Every Point Every Time
AUS Team Training in Melbourne
Last Friday night, I flew down to Melbourne with Ka-bi for the last Australian Team training before the World Championships. The training was a 3-day event, with all 11 Australian team members, 3 flew in from Japan, training together.
Brett so kindly vacated his house for Ka-bi and me to stay for the weekend. He had a really nice big house, with lots of cool interesting displays around the house. And, as our national team coach, he has shinai in every room of the house. Not just one, but several in each room. Well, okay okay, except the toilet then.
We had 4 training sessions on Saturday, of which an afternoon session was on the track. That evening, we had a fantastic BBQ and Kendo DVD party at Brett's house - the place where Ka-bi and me were staying. The party finished quite early at 10pm, as we had another big day ahead.
On Sunday, we had a team soccer / freesbie warm-up in the park before joining the regular Kenshikan Sunday morning club training. The highlight of the morning was the jigeiko with Yano Sensei. I was so happy to have the chance to jigeiko with him. Last time I had jigeiko with Yano Sensei was more than a year ago up in the Sunny Brisbane Aus squad training.
Feedback from Yano Sensei:
Following that were another 2 Aus Team keiko sessions, with the last session lasted for 2 hours. By that time, we all knew very well that everyone was aching and sore everywhere. Shoulder, legs, feet were the worst affected areas. In spite of that, the whole team put in tremendous spirit, putting our heart and soul into every cut, every kiai.
The last 30mins of training was purely exhilarating. The atmosphere was just SUPER. Those doing the cuts put in everything they have got, all their energy and the best ever spirit, while the rest of the team cheered, encouraged and urged the best of the best performance out of those out there. It seems that we have suddenly forgot about the pain. The atmosphere must have push our endorphin level to the highest.
The team definitely ended the weekend training at the highest note. We were all happy about the effort and the capabilities of each one of us in the team. Brett reminded us that we were not quite there yet to compete in the WKCs, but if we put in this kind of intensity and passion into each of our remaining training sessions back in our home dojo, we will be able to hit the best level when the WKCs come.
That evening, Ka-bi and me were so tired we just sat on the couch and watched movies from Brett's DVD collection. First we watched "Dodgeball". Then, we decided to watch "The Incredibles". Stuart returned back after a dinner with Sano sensei and Chiaki just in time to watch his hundreth time of "The Incredibles". This time with another two "Big Kids" and in English version.
On Monday, we had the morning doing team-bonding exercises. Afterwards, we walked around town and before long, it was time to head to the airport and fly home.
After coming back to Sydney, I have been bogged down with cold, runny nose and sore throat. I have probably over-exerted myself in the weekend, which over-taxed my body immune system. I tried getting as much rest as possible, but the condition didn't get any better. So finally, I decided to go to the doctor this weekend, and now I am on antibiotics. As my online kendo friend puts it this way... the keiko didn't kill me, but the flu did.
Saturday at Willoughby
I went to Willoughby for kendo training for the first time since coming back from Melbourne. I was one of the 7 motodachi and so had plenty of jigeiko at the final 1-hour jigeiko session.
During the middle of my jigeiko with Sano Sensei, he did two perfectly timed debana-kote, which almost score an ippon. That rang a wake-up bell on me. Was Sano Sensei able to tell whether I was going for men or kote from my initiating posture. So I checked my posture and make sure that my body was straight no matter I was going for men or kote.
My final jigeiko of the day was with Fukuda Sensei. Remembering all the advises I was given, I made sure that I used my foot and my body to test and apply seme. And took any opening opportunities immeidately when presented.
Feedbacks from Fukuda Sensei:
Islam, Ramadan and Kendo
As you might be aware, those who practice Islam are in the middle of the Ramadan period, where fasting is practiced by all observant Muslims. Eating, drinking, sexual intercourse and smoking are not allowed between dawn and sunset.
I am neither a Muslim nor have I any Islamic religious belief. However, I am very curious to see if any of our kendo friends here who are actively practicing kendo and are also observing the Ramadan.
One of my kendo buddies is observing the Ramadan at the moment. For her to be able to train this month, she has to do training without food and, toughest of all, without a drop of water before, during and after keiko.
Without food is okay, but without a single drop of water doing kendo for 2 hours in the scorching heat of 38 degrees, plus the unforgivingly long daylight in the Southern Hemisphere is just unimaginable.
I wonder how many top athletes in the world who can observe the Ramadan and keep up with their tough training routines.
In fact, this is so interesting I am going to post this on the Kendo World forum.
Last Friday night, I flew down to Melbourne with Ka-bi for the last Australian Team training before the World Championships. The training was a 3-day event, with all 11 Australian team members, 3 flew in from Japan, training together.
Brett so kindly vacated his house for Ka-bi and me to stay for the weekend. He had a really nice big house, with lots of cool interesting displays around the house. And, as our national team coach, he has shinai in every room of the house. Not just one, but several in each room. Well, okay okay, except the toilet then.
We had 4 training sessions on Saturday, of which an afternoon session was on the track. That evening, we had a fantastic BBQ and Kendo DVD party at Brett's house - the place where Ka-bi and me were staying. The party finished quite early at 10pm, as we had another big day ahead.
On Sunday, we had a team soccer / freesbie warm-up in the park before joining the regular Kenshikan Sunday morning club training. The highlight of the morning was the jigeiko with Yano Sensei. I was so happy to have the chance to jigeiko with him. Last time I had jigeiko with Yano Sensei was more than a year ago up in the Sunny Brisbane Aus squad training.
Feedback from Yano Sensei:
- I didn't have any seme at all. Try using the front foot to test the condition. Slide in, test reaction, and then attack.
Following that were another 2 Aus Team keiko sessions, with the last session lasted for 2 hours. By that time, we all knew very well that everyone was aching and sore everywhere. Shoulder, legs, feet were the worst affected areas. In spite of that, the whole team put in tremendous spirit, putting our heart and soul into every cut, every kiai.
The last 30mins of training was purely exhilarating. The atmosphere was just SUPER. Those doing the cuts put in everything they have got, all their energy and the best ever spirit, while the rest of the team cheered, encouraged and urged the best of the best performance out of those out there. It seems that we have suddenly forgot about the pain. The atmosphere must have push our endorphin level to the highest.
The team definitely ended the weekend training at the highest note. We were all happy about the effort and the capabilities of each one of us in the team. Brett reminded us that we were not quite there yet to compete in the WKCs, but if we put in this kind of intensity and passion into each of our remaining training sessions back in our home dojo, we will be able to hit the best level when the WKCs come.
That evening, Ka-bi and me were so tired we just sat on the couch and watched movies from Brett's DVD collection. First we watched "Dodgeball". Then, we decided to watch "The Incredibles". Stuart returned back after a dinner with Sano sensei and Chiaki just in time to watch his hundreth time of "The Incredibles". This time with another two "Big Kids" and in English version.
On Monday, we had the morning doing team-bonding exercises. Afterwards, we walked around town and before long, it was time to head to the airport and fly home.
After coming back to Sydney, I have been bogged down with cold, runny nose and sore throat. I have probably over-exerted myself in the weekend, which over-taxed my body immune system. I tried getting as much rest as possible, but the condition didn't get any better. So finally, I decided to go to the doctor this weekend, and now I am on antibiotics. As my online kendo friend puts it this way... the keiko didn't kill me, but the flu did.
Saturday at Willoughby
I went to Willoughby for kendo training for the first time since coming back from Melbourne. I was one of the 7 motodachi and so had plenty of jigeiko at the final 1-hour jigeiko session.
During the middle of my jigeiko with Sano Sensei, he did two perfectly timed debana-kote, which almost score an ippon. That rang a wake-up bell on me. Was Sano Sensei able to tell whether I was going for men or kote from my initiating posture. So I checked my posture and make sure that my body was straight no matter I was going for men or kote.
My final jigeiko of the day was with Fukuda Sensei. Remembering all the advises I was given, I made sure that I used my foot and my body to test and apply seme. And took any opening opportunities immeidately when presented.
Feedbacks from Fukuda Sensei:
- Don't hesitate. Remove the bad habit of lifting the shinai up to defence and block. Condition myself to attack as 1st reaction rather than defence.
Islam, Ramadan and Kendo
As you might be aware, those who practice Islam are in the middle of the Ramadan period, where fasting is practiced by all observant Muslims. Eating, drinking, sexual intercourse and smoking are not allowed between dawn and sunset.
I am neither a Muslim nor have I any Islamic religious belief. However, I am very curious to see if any of our kendo friends here who are actively practicing kendo and are also observing the Ramadan.
One of my kendo buddies is observing the Ramadan at the moment. For her to be able to train this month, she has to do training without food and, toughest of all, without a drop of water before, during and after keiko.
Without food is okay, but without a single drop of water doing kendo for 2 hours in the scorching heat of 38 degrees, plus the unforgivingly long daylight in the Southern Hemisphere is just unimaginable.
I wonder how many top athletes in the world who can observe the Ramadan and keep up with their tough training routines.
In fact, this is so interesting I am going to post this on the Kendo World forum.
Hmmm doesn't seem to affect Nurlin very much though
I heard that the training was so much fun from Chiaki ^^. Haha.. seems quite tough!
Get well soon! I think rest is quite important too
Quoth the raven, at Monday, October 16, 2006 4:08:00 PM
Nurlin is affected haha she's just trying not to think about it.
I dont think they have to fast the whole entire day just between certain hours of the day.
It can't be too good for your body though since most of the human body is made up of water..
If they train at certain hours they should be ok.
Vivian you need to look after yourself better, try increase the vitamins in your diet. Someone told me once that Vitamin C enriched food requires regular consumption since they can't be stored in the body.
Anonymous, at Monday, October 16, 2006 11:12:00 PM
Thanks Susan. The flu is slowly going away. So I went to UNSW to train last night, which is was really great.
Nurlin is indeed doing incredibly well. I was pretty amazed how she could last the whole training last Saturday morning. It was so hot that day.
Vivian Yung, at Tuesday, October 17, 2006 4:25:00 PM
Hey Eddie,
The fasting is between dawn and sunset each day during the holy month of Ramadan. I don't think I can do that in consecutive days for one whole month! It will kill my body!
Lucky trainings are usually at night time, so I guess it is not as bad as I first thought about it. (But still pretty bad)
Vivian Yung, at Tuesday, October 17, 2006 4:28:00 PM
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